How Python Saved My Life



Three years ago, choosing my first programming language was probably the biggest decision of my life. At first, I wasn’t really good with my study in the University. I’ve ever got 0 GPA for not participated the following classes in a semester. Until that point, I realized that I have to change myself to be a better person.
I was taught about Java in university, but somehow, I wasn’t managed to understand. So, I started all over again to learn code and stumbled upon with Codecademy. I chose Python because I knew that Java was really intimidating. At first glance, Python is very simple and easy to understand, that’s why I love to learn about it. But, there was the point, I don't know some part of it, and I need to ask someone to answer my question.
In May 2016, there was a meeting to create a group of Python users in Surabaya, and I attended it. I was probably the one and only beginner, but I took courage to be the coordinator because at the time we had to decided who was going to be in that position, no one took it. At that moment, I didn't even know about Class / OOP in Python.
I landed my first job from workshop as a speaker; we even held the first ever [PyCon ID]( on December 2017 in Surabaya!. In two years, []( has created over 20 events (workshop and seminar).
I was retired from the coordinator of in February 2018, and I gave it to the younger people for regeneration. But, I never stop to contribute. At this moment, I become a mentor in Data Science Indonesia to teach Python at five universities in East Java. Thank you, Python, for saving my life.


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